Somos un grupo de profesionales comprometidos para que en México y el Mundo cada familia pueda acceder a una vivienda patrimonial, ecológica y digna.


We are a team of experts committed with Mexico and the World to facilitate every family the access to a worthy and ecological home.

En nuestro blog podrás encontrar artículos y experiencias nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con la Vivienda Sustentable y su relación con la Comunidad, asi como sobre Proyectos Productivos, Empresas Sociales y Sostenibilidad Social.

In our blog you can find articles, domestic and international experiences related to sustainable housing and its relationship with the community. As well as Productive Proyects, Social Business and Social Sustainability

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011


El World Economic Forum eligió a Échale a tu casa para financiar un documental sobre el proceso que se realiza en Calakmul Campeche.

El mismo que será trasmitido en la televisión alemana a través de la Deutsche Welle TV el próximo 10/NOV a las 2:30 pm hora de México (9:30 pm hora de Alemania) y se podrá ver a través de

Aqui una fotografía de la televisora levantando imágenes en Xpujil.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Sustainable communities generate sustainable habitat

By. Francesco Piazzesi

Humanity is loosing the global race to provide a better habitat for the underserved housing population. With a total population of 6.9 billion there is 1 billion that lives in a slum representing 14% of underserved housing population. By year 2030 world population will be 9 billion inhabitants and 3.6 billion will live in precarious housing and habitat conditions, a terrifying 25% of homeless humans beings.

Sustainable housing wealth creation and habitat protection is a vital equation. Trying to solve world-housing deficit though urbanization deploys habitat conditions and generates rural improvement. More urbanization equals more rural impoverishment. Rural communities become receptacles of solid wastes, residual waters, labor migration, family disrupting and lack of opportunities. In the other hand is much simple to generate better habitat conditions in a community than in a soulless urban development.

Communities are abandoned attracted by an urban false mirror of wealth and better living conditions. These migrators reality derives in slums with lack of sanitation, overcrowded homes of non-durable structures, promiscuity, insecure tenure, violence, human trafficking, lack of water and an endless list of social and health diseases and habitat degradation.

The requirements to provide sustainable habitat and housing wealth creation to the community are: social inclusion, financial education, technical capacitation and social franchising. An example of what just one year ago was the deforestation of the world largest biosphere caused by the poorest communities that surround it, is Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico. One of the largest cities in the Mayan Culture.

In order to stop families to go into the biosphere cutting down the trees to build a shack, an in site production system of green construction material was provided. Instead of bringing in the police forces to stop clandestine sales of endangered species and archaeological relics, technical workshops for housing construction started. To avoid microloan shacks fulfill credit for home building a sustainable housing mortgage microfinance was offered. After one year 1,000 wealthy homes have been built with 500 jobs creation, an economy spillover of USD 6,5 millions and the protection of the biosphere by the same community.

Social entrepreneurship is a marvelous vehicle to solve world problems

Published in the World Economic Forum Blog: